The Goal
Through Strong Neighborhoods, United Way will strive to build relationships and collaborate with residents, utilize individual’s strengths and talents to help neighbors, convene available community assets, identify potential growth opportunities, and remove barriers for people to improve overall well-being of themselves and their community.
The Reason
Healthy neighborhoods are the backbone of a thriving community. A strong community is made up of residents who actively participate and are a key part of the decision and implementation process of change and development occurring in their own neighborhoods. United Way of Allen County is actively taking a stand to speak less and listen more, to be an advocate and ally for residents to use their skills to raise their community up and build strong, safe, and healthy neighborhoods.
The Initatives
Strong Neighborhoods will focus on creating collaborations and building resources at a neighborhood level in areas that need it the most. We want residents to stop viewing themselves as consumers of services, but instead as having ownership in building the connection and change they want to see in their community. The possibilities of what this initiative can look like here in Allen County are endless, but it will come from the dreams, visions, and skills of the very people living in the communities that need this change the most.
“We are grateful that United Way of Allen County has chosen our neighborhood for their Strong Neighborhoods initiative, and we are excited about the prospect of connecting with our residents more effectively.”
Laurie Hapner, Board Member of the Pettit-Rudisill Neighborhood Association
Strong Neighborhood Partners

“We are excited to partner with United Way and the Pettit-Rudisill neighborhood to share our knowledge, lived experience, and work together to gather the strengths and voices of residents so they may gain ownership and participate in the revitalization of their own community.”
Javier Mondragon, Founder & CEO of Bridge of Grace