Podcast Episode #11
BONUS: UWAC’s Day of Caring!
Episode Sponsor: AFL-CIO
We are highlighting a UWAC supporter and volunteer, Ben Anderson, where we discuss all he does to make our Day of Caring event a success and how you can get involved with us on August 23rd!
DAY OF CARING APPLICATIONS: www.unitedwayallencounty.org/day-of-caring
Our LAST episode airs Monday, June 10th! Tune in as we highlight local community changemaker Andrew Kreager to learn more about what he does to get involved here in Allen County and how you can, too.
Donate today to help make a difference: www.unitedwayallencounty.org/give
Episode Sponsor
The Boldly Engage Podcast is brought to you by the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). AFL-CIO and the United Way share a common vision of prosperous, inclusive and diverse communities, where every member has access to a quality public education, fair wages, good jobs, and affordable and quality health care.